Adobe Illustrator CC Interface

Adobe Illustrator CC Interface

Welcome to learn Adobe Illustrator CC’s new lecture that is recommended for beginners specially. If you are still making mindset, for Graphics Designing, this piece of debate going to be GIFT for you called “Adobe Illustrator CC Interface“.

As it is about Adobe Illustrator software, we are going to step ahead for Adobe Illustrator CC Interface introduction whether which of panels and features are available onto it so the newbie user may get quick and easy understanding about the most of tools and features available here.

This post is going to be informative for whom who still not know many things about Adobe Illustrator software and yet only heard its name but not know its extraordinary functionality.

We’ll take into debate almost all panels and components available in Adobe Illustrator user interface with extremely simple tone of language.  

So, here our point of view is on Adobe Illustrator CC Interface introduction in which we’ll explore the facts about the following sections:

  • Menu Bar
  • Control Panel
  • Tool Panel
  • Floating Palette
  • Artboard 
  • Status Bar 

Definitely, the current topic is main one because it is preferred for newbies to learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator software interface firstly. It is optimized comprehensively with facts and figures are utilized on most of possible occasions.

So, without further delay let’s come ahead to the main topic about Adobe Illustrator CC Interface Introduction.

Top Right Bar

Top Right Bar is the first top component of Adobe AI Interface where at right side three buttons are placed orderly Close, Maximize/Restore and Minimize. You can close the program here and also minimize and restore/maximize its window by Minimize and Maximize button.

Near these buttons, you can see a Search Bar to search from Adobe Stock. So, you can use it anytime to explore stock from Adobe Stocks gallery.

Adobe Stock:

While working in Adobe Illustrator software sometime it might happen you desire some image or assets related to your project and now time you can get it from Adobe Stock that is a place of assets of many types.

Besides illustration, you can find Templates, Fonts, Plugins, Audio and Video object from here. Just type the required asset in search bar and request to find it from Adobe Stock platform.

Adobe Illustrator CC Interface-Top Right Bar

After Search Bar, you see a very important option about Workspace that is actually a complete menu containing some workspaces as are Essentials, Layout, Painting, Typography, Tracing and Web etc. Which one Adobe Illustrator workspace you are planning regarding your project, you can simply fetch it here.

Top Left Bar

Top Left Bar is the main portion of Adobe Illustrator user Interface. Here bundle of commands and options are available by using them you control the program and apply several of effects on a project. File, Edit, Object, Type, Select, Effect, View and Windows are important menus of it.

Almost the maximum of functionality and effect you experience while working on Adobe Illustrator workspace can be perform from Menu Bar manually. The wide range of functions can be executed here manually or from its shortcut keys swiftly. Most of features are highlighted with its shortcut keys you can take them in action using them.    

adobe illustrator CC interface-Top Left Bar

Besides these menus, some other tools are also placed there which are using for different of advanced purposes as,

Adobe Bridge: To land into Adobe Bridge directly from here.
Adobe Stock: To find some assets from Adobe Stock.
Arrange Document: If you have more than one documents still under working, you can arrange them as Gird, Horizontally and Vertically sequence.
GPU Performance: It is for check your PC’s GPU performance.

Control Panel

Control Panel is one of important component of Adobe Illustrator CC Interface parts that provides further detail and modification for specified tool selected on Tool Panel. It is positioned under Menu Bar contained some further options which really enhance your task professionally.

Bonus Tip:

As we are talking about Adobe Illustrator CC Interface introduction of CC version, if you still working in this version, you might experience there is no visibility of Control Panel by default.

You can never amuse with Control Panel until you don’t make dare to turn it on from Windows Menu.

Definitely, Control Panel is one of valued component of Adobe AI Interface that has potential to take your project to the next level by providing additional features.

So, if you really decided to enhance your illustrator artwork, you should turn it on from Windows>Control option simply.

When you select any tool from Tool Panel, related it some additional options are displayed in Control Panel. You can make further changing from here on your illustrator drawing.

adobe illustrator interface CC-Control Panel

For example, if you select Text Tool from Tool Panel, related it the other options will be Color, Stroke, Opacity, Character, Paragraph and Alignment etc.

So, you can take your illustrator artwork to the next level by applying more editing and features from Control Panel.

Floating Palette

Floating Palette is also considered one of useful component of Adobe Illustrator CC Interface. It is very adjustable component you can invite the many numbers of panels from the Windows Menu here.

Any of panel you throw here can be accessible and adjustable easily so you able to not only fast working on illustrator artwork but also with easy approach.

Floating Palette is right sided placed palettes in Adobe Illustrator CC Interface. Here by default some panels are placed like Color, Color Guide, Brushes, Swatches, Appearance and Graphics Style etc.

adobe illustrator interface-Floating Palette

You can control them from here and also can display other one from Windows Menu by check mark anyone you want.

From the Windows Menu, there is a list of panels aim for different of tasks. Each panel you open can be adjustable on Control Palette by drag and drop method effortlessly. This way, you can call of your required one and finally create your own Adobe Illustrator workspace and save it for next projects.   

Properties & Layer Panel

Properties Panel contains almost the same actions as Control Panel has. I think, you can take in use further options for specified tool quickly from Properties Panel instead of Control Panel. So, it provides easy access for more options concerning with the tool you are using.

adobe illustrator interface-Properties & Layer Panel

Layer Panel is other one major component of Adobe Illustrator CC Interface parts. You can control over the layer available onto your artboard. You see all objects in separate layer and select them from the Layer Panel easily.

One of great thing of the Layer Panel is, you can access any of layer linked with an object. You can Find, Delete and take New Layer from this layer panel from smaller buttons available on this panel bottom side.  

There is a big setting of layers from its setting menu as you can take New main or Sub Layer from here and Merge one of your required. The great feature of this Layer Panel is, you can Hide or Unhide specific layer from tiny eye icon simply.

Tool Panel

Tool Panel is one of main portions of Adobe Illustrator CC Interface parts that equipped with range of tools used for different of task. You perform the maximum task of your illustrator drawing from Tool Panel that is why, it can be right to say, your assignment is incomplete yet if not used any tool from Tool Panel.

adobe illustrator interface-Tool Panel

If you see Tool Panel, here at first Selection Tool, Direct Selection Tool, Magic Wand Tool and Lasso Tool are placed. Its main purpose is to make a selection for many angles and styles.

Moreover, Pen tool, Curvature tool, Line Segment tool, Type tool, Rectangle, Paintbrush tool, Shaper tool and Erase tool are best tools of Adobe Illustrator CC Tool Panel which make drawing and type text and many things.

In next category, Rotate tool, Scale tool, Width tool, Free Transform, Shape Builder, Perspective Grid tool are also here you can transform objects and make desired shape from shape builder tool etc.

Under it some other tools are also placed like as Mesh tool, Gradient, Eyedropper tool and Blend tool which are well known to make gradient effect on a project and Eyedropper tool is used to choose your favorite color from the object.

Symbol Sprayer tool and Column Graph tool are best ones which are used to apply symbols and Graph on a project.

In next category, Artboard tool, Slice tool, Zoom tool and Hand tool are placed. Artboard Tool is used to resize the Artboard and do many things for an artboard.

Next is Fill and Stroke color palette, you can adjust fill and stroke color from here for your project simply.


In Adobe AI Interface, Artboard is an area where a designer works. Whichever effect you apply on the project it displays on Artboard.

adobe illustrator interface-Artboard

Any of artboard you will make it will be visible on body area of Adobe Illustrator user interface.

Be Aware…..

To take a print out of a project it is required it must be placed on an artboard. The graphics placed out of artboard will result to be not print. So, you must take an accurate measurement of your project and artboard and show habit to work within its boundary so that you able to get print your entire of graphics.

The maximum of number artboard you are allowed to take in one document there is no restriction you take just one. Any artboard you take it will be identified with own number so you easily take in notice how many artboards are there in current document and which one is your targeted you are going to take print out it.

Status Bar

Status Bar is bottom side area of Adobe Illustrator CC Interface where some tiding shows about current project you are still working on. You can notify the number of aspects of the current document from here as Zooming level and how many Artboards etc. Moreover, you can move your project into any direction by slider scrolling.

adobe illustrator interface-Status Bar

One of prominent feature of Status Bar is, you are easy feel to manage all available artboards on the current document. Which one you are required just fetch it in front by calling its number and start finalize it.

Last Words

Definitely, it is required for beginner to understand the Interface of Adobe Illustrator CC before you land into its artboard area. It is an urgent need you take sufficient how know, what are main components and its usage available on Adobe Illustrator CC Interface.

It was basic level Adobe Illustrator tutorial particularly for them those are searching for beginner Adobe Illustrator tutorial and they are new in Graphic Designing area.

It was just basic information about Adobe Illustrator CC Interface parts therefore I think you took it easy to understand.

Definitely, I mentioned about all possible components of Adobe Illustrator workspace here. But if you still feel worry, you should take again further consult in comment section.

FAQs About The TopicAdobe Illustrator CC Interface.”

What is Workspace?

Workspace is like whole of windows you complete your project within it. A workspace consists of some panels and tools for specified purpose. There are some number of workspaces available in Adobe Illustrator CC in different of categories. You are also permit to create your own workspace by fetching panel, tools and elements for specific graphics works.

Is Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop has the same Interface?

I think both of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop have same interface by looking but these have different of panels and features for their interface.

You can read about Adobe Photoshop CC Interface from the article written with possible detail about the topic.  

Where to Adobe Illustrator Download?

It is nice question someone might ask,

Adobe Illustrator Download?

In case, you are planning to brighten your future learning Graphics Designing, you are welcome to this field. So, as an initial base you can enroll Illustrator from the link Adobe Illustrator Download for trial version.

You are provided with 7 days trial period of this product, within this span you can enjoy all in one feature of it there is no restriction.

Are all Adobe Illustrator Versions have the same Interface?

No, there is big difference between CS (Creative Suite) and CC (Creative Cloud) version. If you ever experienced the earlier copy of CS version that is differ from CC in interface.

Which Version of Adobe Illustrator should I use?

If you are still newbie and taking a start learning Graphics Designing, it is suggestion to come with Adobe Illustrator CS (Creative Suite) version because it will amuse you with 30 days trial period.

Once you became expert, you can go ahead to CC (Creative Cloud) version that contained the numbers of cool features. 

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