Object Menu of CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2017

Object Menu of CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2017

It is my other one tutorial about CorelDraw Vector Graphics in which you’ll learn about, how to use CorelDraw menu especially the usages of Object Menu of CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2017.

CorelDraw program is known as CorelDraw Vector base software that’s objects are made with solid lines which are strictly combined each other. Corel Draw file looks high definition in result because it is with solid lines graphics designing. So, you can enlarge Corel Draw file as much as you need and there is no damage occur in Corel Draw file quality due to its HD result.

So, CorelDraw software is using very much in graphics designing market because its graphics are reliable and flexible you can enlarge them on maximum point you want. By the most of graphics designer, CorelDraw software is still using on large scale particularly in most of countries its usage is very much locally. 

How To CorelDraw Download?

Corel Draw come with its trial period therefore you can CorelDraw Download for free version from its website that runs for fifteen days only, as a trial period.

You can find all features and function enable in this CorelDraw free version as you see in paid copy. So, NOTHING is hidden charges for you in this CorelDraw free version, you are welcome to enroll it anytime you want.

Finally, once you want, you can get access till CorelDraw free version through the link ahead. So, you should land on its commercial website through the link CorelDraw Download. You should follow the direction by the website and your downloading became begin to start within fewer of seconds.

Object Menu of CorelDraw Graphics Suite 2017

Once you see the Interface of CorelDraw 2017, in Menu Bar of it one of the great menus is Object Menu of CorelDraw Graphics Suite which has the wonderful features and option related to many tasks a graphics designer can improve his graphics designing from them. Definitely, it will be right to say, without these features you can’t complete your graphics designing into professional look and you still failed to take it to the next level.

So, CorelDraw Object Menu is considered very important CorelDraw menu that is why, it is very essential for the beginners to take complete understanding about its features.

As you know, our current topic is related to the same CorelDraw Object Menu’s options therefore you must complete reading the post till the end so that you may learn what superb features are placed there.

Finally, Guys let’s take a start to learn about CorelDraw Object Menu’s features with brief detail:

Insert Barcode

Insert Barcode” generates barcode using up to 30 characters which mostly printed on a product. About all companies use barcode on his product so you take quick information about its Price, Expiry Date and Manufactured etc. To generating barcode lot of online and offline software are used included CorelDraw software is one of best for this purpose.

In CorelDraw, the same feature is also placed in Object Menu of CorelDraw. You can generate Barcode by using CorelDraw, as you can create in special software Barcode Generator. Once you click on Insert Barcode option, related to barcode a panel opens where you’ve to type your required 30 characters’ code to generate the required barcode.

Insert New Object

Mostly, you need to insert some text or object from other external software as Adobe Photoshop, MS Excel, and MS Word etc. On this time, you can use “Insert New Object” option of Object Menu of CorelDraw for that purpose.

When you click on this option, a panel opens where you see some programs in the list as you want to insert object from MS Word, for this you need to choose the program with this name. When you choose MS Word, it will open and you type the text you want to insert into CorelDraw software or you also can insert from file so for this, you should choose Create from File option in the panel.


Sometimes, you need to use the same symbol more than one time to repeat. Unfortunately, this symbol is also yet not in Symbol Library of CorelDraw program. For this, you can save your required symbol by using “Symbol” option placed in Object Menu of CorelDraw. You can save it in Symbol Manager and use it whenever you need.

To keep remain in touch with your symbol, you need to save it as a CSL (CorelDraw Symbol Library) format and when you need it, open the same CSL file and find your symbol in the Symbol Manager. So, just by drag and drop you can insert the symbol from Symbol Manager.


“PowerClip” is most powerful and commonly using option in CorelDraw software. You can use it to insert the image into special shape you draw. In this way, you see the image into the shape and you can’t see the object outside the shape. It is any type of shape you can PowerClip it with the image you want. This feature has many others options as you can edit PowerClip content and also extent all the content placed in PowerClip etc.


It is very important option about objects Transformation. It has just many options related to object Transformation you can use according to your requirements. At first, you can see Position option that is using to place an object for adjust distance you want. About it, a right sided panel opens where from you first set the position horizontal and vertical axis point of the object. At last, you final how much copy of the object you need on the same position you adjusted.

Other important option is Rotate through this you can rotate your object into any angle you want. You need to adjust the angle, horizontal and verticalaxis, position and how much copy you need for this measurement.

Scale and Mirror is other one options you can see in this panel. You can resize your required option and take more than one copies after adjusting its position and horizontal and vertical axis point. From Mirror option, you can Flip the object left to right and top to bottom.

In Skew option, you can slant the object horizontally or vertically. Moreover, in the Transformation you can use its more options to make the work brilliantly.

At last, Clear Transformations option is placed that is using when you need not any Transformations you applied and you can just remove them on the object. Your object came into the initial condition without any Transformation from this feature.

Align and Distributes

While you’re working in Corel Draw, you work on several of the same size and type of objects. On this time, you want to see them with accurate order which could visible fairly. I think, you can’t put all these objects on the accurate alignment by the hand. For this, you can use Align and Distributes options to set the several of objects on the accurate straight alignment. You can set the object, left, right, top and bottom align. Moreover, you can set them as an align center horizontally and vertically from these options.

By using these options, you can align center, center vertically and horizontally and in the straight center of the page.

At last, about Align and Distributes a panel is placed you can open it from here. In this panel, you can see other options as well which are about alignment of the objects.


In Order option you can set the object into some orders you want. In this menu, you can see some options related to object order as at first “To Front of the Page”option is place that is using to take the object on the front of page. “Back Of Page” option is used to take the object on the back side.

Anyway, here are all these options which are using for object sequence you should learn about them ahead.

To Front of Page: This option is used to bring the back object on the front of the page.

To Back of Page: Bring the object on the back of the page.

To Front of Layer: You can use “To Front of Layer” option to take object on the front of the layer.

To Back of Layer: Similarly, “To Back Of Layer”option is used to throw the selected object on the back of the layer.

Forward One: To bring up an object on the one object, you can use “Forward One” option.

Back One: By the same way you can use “Back One” option to throw the object on the one object.

In Front Of: It works magically once you click on this option, an arrow appear that indicates you need to select the object to take this on front.

Behind: It works as same as “In Front Of” does. When you’re going to use this option, an arrow appears that required you select the object on behind you want to throw the object.

Reverse Order: This option is totally opposite of the current order. You can reverse your all order from this option. For example, if an object is placed on the top of the all layers, it will go on the behind all of from “Reverse Order”. By this way, all the order will reverse from this option rapidly.


Combine” option is used to join more than one objects. In combine condition, these objects take the same fill and outline effect. Once you move them all objects move in a same direction. So, when you need to combine more than one object you can use Combine option.

Break Apart

Sometime, most of your object and text content are in combine condition and you want to break them separately so that you may apply effect on them one by one. So, on this time, “Break Apart” option is used to break the combined objects separately.


You’ve more than one object in your document and you want to group them each other so that they may move together. Moreover, any effect you apply, it applies on all of them. So, you can use “Group” option to unite several of objects in one form.

Ungroup Object

Ungroup Object” option is used to ungroup more than one objects which are combined in one group.

Ungroup All Objects”: If you want to ungroup all the objects whether how much groups are there in the selection you can use this option. From this option, your all objects separated and you can apply formatting on them one by one separately.


Hide” option in used to hide any object in CorelDraw document. After hiding it, you can show it from the same Object Menu of CorelDrawby using Show All option.


You can lock any object while you’re irritating from any object. In locked condition, neither you can apply any formatting on the object nor move it anywhere because it is locked.

In lock menu, some options are also there as:

Unlock Object: You can unlock your required one selected object by using Unlock Object option.

Unlock All Objects: All the objects which are locked on CorelDraw document you can unlock them from Unlock All Objects option easily.


Shaping” menu has many options related to object shaping. You can change more than one object’s shaping into one. So what options are there in this menu let’s see ahead.

Weld: This is commonly using option that is to combine more than one objects with single outline and fill. In weld object, you apply outlineand fill with same color because objects are combined each other.

Trim: If you’ve two objects and want to cut the under object’s part that is not appear from the top object, you can trim it from Trim option easily.

Intersect: When some objects are placed and its some areas are overlapping you can separate their overlapping area from Intersect option.

Simplify: From Simplify option, you can cut overlapping area of more than one objects. You can remove their overlapping part from here very simply.

Front Minus Back: This option removes the back placed object from the front object.

Back Minus Front: Removes the front object from the back placed object.

Create Boundary: Two objects are placed on the CorelDraw document and you want get their outline so you can use Create Boundary feature.

Convert to Curve

You draw any object and want to modify it, it is not big matter you can do this by using “Convert to Curve” option in Object Menu of CorelDraw. Convert to Curve option enables the object to modify its shape from Shape Tool. In this way, you can modify its shape by dragging its points.

Convert Outline to Object

Convert Outline to Object” option converts your object into outline. Any object you’ve in the CorelDraw document can be separated from the outline from this feature. After you got separate outline you can apply formatting on it.

Join Curve

Any time you draw an object that’s points are not join each other so you can join this object and fill any color in it. When you click Join Curve option, about join curve a panel opens where you’re asked to put the GabTolerance of both of your curve you want to join them. Mostly, when you draw an object from FreehandTool, its curve not join so, you can use Join Curve option from Object Menu of CorelDraw.

Overprint Fill

Sometimes, when you’ve multicolor background and have text type content on it, you can overprint your text so that it could visible more from the background color. CorelDraw program fills the color on the text according to own systematically, that is not merge with the background and text color different each other.

Overprint Outline

Overprint Outline feature works as same as Overprint Fill do. From this feature, CorelDraw software overprint the outline so that it could different from the background and highlight more.

Overprint Bitmap

Overprint Bitmap feature is just for bitmap object. Therefore, when you convert any object into bitmap, this option visible for you and you can use it.

Object Hinting

Object Hinting can come into your work when you draw some objects and keep them very close each other but in them some line visible. You can get rid of these lines so that the whole design cold visible clear without extra lines space.

Object Properties

It is complete panel about any object properties that means about object outline properties. About object outline properties on right sided a panel opens, you can adjust any object outline here. You can set OutlineColor, Styleand Size from this panel moreover you also can do many more from this panel.

Object Manager

Object Manager is very important option in Object Menu of CorelDraw. Any object you draw on the document you can see it in Object Manager. Which effect you applied on it, it also visible in this panel and you can go to any object by using this very informative panel. In this panel, you can see how much layers, pages and objects you’ve in the document.

How Was It?

Object Menu of CorelDraw plays an important role to make more valuable your graphics designing but it could be right to say without its features your designing is incomplete yet. Therefore, if you’ve a mind to become full expert in CorelDraw Vector base software, you should read about the CorelDraw Object Menu features carefully.

After reading about the above features, you have known, how much important CorelDraw Object Menu features are. Nearly, all the feature there are much important and has potential to take your graphics designing into the next level both of you and your client want.

Anyway, in the same discussion, I tried my best to introduce about all major options and features of “Object Menu of CorelDraw”. So, I think, you found them easy to understand, moreover you can contact us in comment section for further query you desire to share.

FAQs about Topic: “Object Menu of CorelDraw Graphics Suite”.

What is Barcode?

A Barcode can be contained with specific Bar and Spaces that is a machine-readable representation of some unique characters included numbers. As Barcode consist of Bars and Spaces therefore a unique barcode pattern creates which can be readable by an optical Barcode Scanner.

How Does PowerClip Works?

PowerClip actually works to clip an object, text or image into special shape or drawing you want. You can do lot of while working on PowerClip in CorelDRAW software as Edit, Lock, Extract and Reposition it effortlessly.

Can We Run Object Menu Of CorelDraw’s Features Through Shortcut Keys?

There are some of features you can execute them from their shortcut keys very quickly. I think, you should operate them using its keys because it is most professional and quicker way to execute them as compare to manually usage.

So, here are some features you can run them through their shortcut keys:

Command Function
Ctrl+F3 Symbol Manager
Ctrl+Shift+A Align and Distributes
Ctrl+G Group Objects
Ctrl+U Ungroup Objects
Ctrl+L Combine
Ctrl+K Break Apart
Ctrl+Q Convert to Curve
Ctrl+Shift+Q Convert Outline to Object
Alt+Enter Object Properties

Can We Keep Snaping Turn On Or Off?

It is depend on your graphics’ requirements you are designing. If you are working on serious project, you should turn on Snapping to stick the specific object with others’ elements. Alternatively, once you feel trouble while designing, you can turn it off because it doesn’t matter.

Is Object Menu Of CorelDraw One Of Important Menu?

Why not, Object Menu of CorelDraw is most important menu of it because you can never take your graphics near completion steps without using its features. It has the range of features you use to create your final required graphics as your clients’ requirements are.

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